5. Backups

Dino does currently not store any data outside the database. Should there be a need to store data outside the database in future releases, it will be saved inside the $DINO_BASE_DIR directory (e.g. /opt/dino). If you want your setup to be futureproof, make backups of it.

For now, all you have to do is backup your database. Below are a couple of common options.

5.1. SQLite

By default dino uses a SQLite database, which is just a file on your disk. To back it up copy $DINO_BASE_DIR/db.sqlite3 (e.g. /opt/dino/db.sqlite3) to somewhere safe outside the host.

5.2. PostgreSQL

For most setups a simple pg_dump backup will suffice. For write-heavy setups a more robust primary/secondary backup solution might be prefered.

postgres@host:~$ pg_dump --clean --create --file=dino_$(date -I).sql dino

Refer to the PostgreSQL manual for further instructions.

5.3. MySQL / MariaDB

For most setups a simple mysqldump backup will suffice. For write-heavy setups a more robust primary/secondary backup solution might be prefered.

root@host:~# mysqldump --single-transaction --add-drop-database --databases dino > dino_$(date -I).sql

Refer to the MySQL manual for further instructions.